Giganotosaurus is carnivorous dinosaurs lived Carcharodontosauridae their part in 97 million years ago, the first stage of the Late Cretaceous Cenomanian section. Sunny on 7 tons, Giganotosaurus is one of carnivorous dinosaurs largest. Tyrannosaurus rex but it is greater than less than Spinosaurus. Dinosaur fossils only learn Argentina.
Stegosaurus (lizard spikes) is a genus Stegosauria access part of Stegosauria, live from the Late Jurassic (about 150 million years ago) to western North America today. 9m long dinosaur brain has two large apples, one on top and one in the southern part of the tail. Very sharp and armored tails, Stegosaurus is one of the most recognizable dinosaurs.
Brachiosaurus is a herbivorous dinosaurs living Late Jurassic (about 150 million years ago) to create Morrison mountains of North America. This is a huge giant dinosaurs long, 40-ton capsule periods long neck, short tail rather than the much smaller overall and box. The forelimbs longer than the hind create inclined body, reminiscent of the overall body shape of a modern giraffe
Spinosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur lived in North Africa during the Albian and Cenomanian of the Cretaceous period, about 112-97 million years ago. According to recent estimates, Spinosaurus is the largest species of all meat-eating dinosaurs known, even larger than Tyrannosaurus rex Dinosaur Giganotosaurus. It is between 16-18 meters long and sunny 7-10 tons. Valley of it has a sail to help control body temperature of. Even as large as the main food of fish it is.
Styracosaurus is a longhorn spent part of their terrible living Ceratopsidae the late Cretaceous period, about 75 million years ago 76,5- the scope of North America today. It is from 4 to 6 horns protruding from the armor on the first day, 1 small horns out of each cheek and a 60 cm long horns protruding from the nose. The 5.5 m long maturity between 3 ton heavy Styracosaurus.
The function of the horn section with the following species Styracosaurus nam.Nhieu controversial for many people believe it is the weapon for self-defense and fighting between males.
Carnotaurus dinosaur meat originating from South America in the late Cretaceous period, around 70 million years ago. It weighs 2.9 tons distance with a characteristic sharp horns on his head.
Having run as speeds up to 50km / h and possesses a tail there is in all health dinosaur species, Carnotaurus is one of the most terrible predators that ever existed on earth.
Caudipteryx (meaning "tail feather") is a species of carnivorous dinosaur limb with life-size figure of the Aptian stage of the Early Cretaceous period (about 124 million years ago). The whole body of dinosaurs are not covered feathers.
Quetzalcoatlus was a flying dinosaur known Tu Late Cretaceous of North America, between 68 to 65.5 million years ago. With a height of 10m, cystic 200kg, 15m wingspan, we are one of the flying organisms. largest ever existed on the planet its name inspired by Quetzalcoatl - the snake god had feathers of ancient civilization of Central America.
Monolophosaurus (ie "single lizard") is one of the carnivorous dinosaurs 5m, lived in the Jurassic Center (about 168-161 million years ago). Fossils of us do not understand Chinese.
Plesiosaurus is a marine reptiles (not as terrible as long) lived in the Late Jurassic. Animals with 4 swimming fins and long neck more often not contact the Loch Ness monster.
Citipati (Hindi means "funeral pyre on the saint") is a carnivorous dinosaur SÓNG the Cretaceous (70-80 million years ago) from the Gobi Desert, Mongolia. It features complete picture of dinosaur groups "parrot beak", which is to create mouth like a beak with no teeth.
This famous dinosaur skeletons as the eggs are preserved better, to strengthen the study of the relationship between dinosaurs and other birds.
Allosaurus was a carnivorous dinosaur was moderate size, songs from Santonian stage, about 83 million years ago. Much of the fossil record does not collect complete, this dinosaur is one such hidden activities with scientists.
Two dinosaur eating part is Majungasaurus two different species (HoN) and Monolophosaurus first argument to another. In fact, the two animals did not get a chance to be reunited since Majungasaurus live at the end of the Cretaceous, 70 million years ago the island of Madagascar, in Monolophosaurus life into the center Jurassic, from 165 million years ago out of Asia.
Velociraptor (which means "bird of prey speed") is a species of small predatory dinosaurs, each existed in the late Cretaceous period, around 83-70 million years ago. Fossils of us do not find Central Asia.
According to this study, is a dinosaur Velociraptor "smart", the intellectual equivalent of some birds now and there are some behaviors, thinking quite complex. They also hung Sun predators, usually sharp claws prey crushed to death.
Archaeopteryx (means "ancient wing) is considered the most primitive birds that people know so far. It lived in the late Jurassic period, between 155-150 million years ago the area that today is Germany. Archaeopteryx had feathers and wings, but it tooth and calamus as small carnivorous dinosaurs, as it has the characteristics of birds and dinosaurs.
Winged Archaeopteryx round, wide and long tail, you can grow up to 0.5 meters long size. Its feathers like birds of a feather bay species present, to see that it is not only the ability to fly, but also warm-blooded. Features like carnivorous dinosaur of it is a function with sharp teeth sequence, 3 toes curved claws and long tail bone. These characteristics make it the first candidate for Archaeopteryx fossils for a transition from crisis to long bird.
The extinction of the dinosaurs Gulf are still controversial. Hypotheses are many supporters today that in 65 million years ago had meteorite falling to Earth can destroy the entire biosphere of the Earth, making vegetation die-off are herbivorous dinosaurs die from lack of food contaminated. and toxic gases of herbivorous dinosaurs die then drag all the carnivores.